Brighton & Hove City Council


Housing Management Panel: WEST HOVE & PORTSLADE Area


6.30pm 13 DECEMBER 2023






Councillors: Miller, Nann, Baghoth, Hewitt, Stevens


Clerk: Thomas Bald (Democratic Services Officer)


Representatives: Victor Dodd (Ingram Crescent Community Group), Muriel Briault (North Portslade Residents Association)


Officers: Niall Breen (Democratic Services Apprentice), Geof Gage (Head of Housing Investment & Asset Management), Justine Harris (Head of Tenancy Services), Martin Reid (Assistant Director Housing Management), Grant Ritchie (Head of Housing Repairs & Maintenance), Sam Warren (Community Engagement Manager), Janet Dowdell (Tenancy Services Operations Manager),


Guests: Sarah Booker-Lewis (Local Democracy Reporter),




18:00 – 30 Minutes


1    WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES                                                       5 - 10




1.1  Councillor Miller announced they would be stepping in as substitute chair for Councillor Nann as they could not be present from the beginning.


1.2  Councillor Hewitt made apologies on behalf of Patricia Weller (Knoll Community Association).


1.3  Councillor Stevens made apologies on behalf of Councillor Czolak.


1.4  The Chair made apologies on behalf of Councillor Muten.


1.5  Sam Warren made apologies on behalf of Roy Crowhurst (Woods House Residents Association)


2    MINUTES & ACTIONS                                                                                            11 – 16


2.1 RESOLVED: The panel agreed unanimously that the minutes were a fair and accurate record of the previous area panel meeting.

2.2 The Chair noted they had received a report regarding WA2 and also noted that there was a lot more to discuss on Elizabeth Court.


2.3 The Chair received confirmation from Martin Reid and Geof Gage that further information would be provided regarding WA3.


3    RESIDENT QUESTIONS 2&3 STAR                                                                       17 – 48


3.1 Muriel Briault raised recurring issues regarding fly-tipping in shared utilities spaces, they also praised CityClean for assisting with alleviating the issues.


3.2 Justine Harris confirmed that they would follow up on the issue and ensure solutions could be found.


3.3 Muriel Briault raised concerns regarding the proposed development in Portslade village green.


3.4 Justine Harris confirmed there would be a full public consultation on the proposals.


3.5 Councillor Hewitt asked for an update regarding estate inspections and also noted that it was an item of interest at the Knoll Community Association meeting.


3.6 Justine Harris confirmed there was a plan to restart estate inspections and block inspections following ward boundary changes.


3.7 Councillor Stevens raised concern regarding those not being able to access services digitally and requested new ideas to improve non digital forms of contact and reassured the panel that it was an issue being taken seriously.


4    HOUSING WINTER HOLIDAY STAFFING                                                                


4.1 Justine Harris, Grant Ritchie and Geof Gage delivered a verbal presentation on this item regarding the availability of services over the period.


5    HOUSING WINTER BUDGET REPORT                                                       


5.1 Martin Reid delivered a verbal presentation on the item listed in the agenda as well as giving the context for the policies in the budget.


5.2 Councillor Baghoth asked for clarification on the average weekly rental figure after the proposed rent increase, Martin Reid confirmed this as being around £97 after the increase.


5.3 Councillor Baghoth asked for clarification on how the increase was calculated, Martin Reid confirmed the usual rent increase formula proposed by central government was used and would lead to a lower increase than if it were increased in line with inflation.


5.4 Martin Reid informed the panel and attendees that the annual rental income for the authority in this financial year would be higher than usually due to the extra rental week due to it being a leap year.




6    HOUSING PERFORMANCE Q2 REPORT                                                              49 – 68   


6.1 Martin Reid delivered a verbal presentation on the item listed in the agenda.


6.2 Councillor Baghoth asked if the customer service figures in the report included out of hours calls.


6.3 Martin Reid clarified that this was not included in the report and was in fact included in the repairs help desk figures.


6.4 Muriel Briault passed on their thanks to Grant Ritchie on behalf of their tenancy association for the installation of insulation in a resident’s home.


6.5 Councillor Stevens made a note that they were pleased to see delays to repairs being addressed and efforts being made to clear backlogs.




7.1 Community Engagement was unavailable to deliver a verbal presentation and it was confirmed this would be circulated separately.




8.1 There were no items of note.




9.1 Councillor Nann made apologies for not being able to chair the meeting and sent their regards to their resident co-chair.


10  ITEMS FOR INFORMATION                                                                                   69 – 82